building new ways

saved CO₂
t waste plastic saved from incineration
built road
EcoFlakes, die kosten- und umweltfreundliche Lösung zur Polymermodifikation an der Mischanlage.
unbegrenzt lagerfähig. flexibel einsetzbar.
Environmentally friendly polymer modification
EcoFlakes: Hochwertige Rezepturen aus Plastikrezyklaten
EcoFlakes are a polymer modification for asphalt that replaces newly produced plastics in asphalt with special recycled plastics that would otherwise be incinerated. Asphalt modified with EcoFlakes achieves the same performance as the alternative made from new plastics. Ageing is slowed down, which maximises the service life of asphalt (as well as the potential for reuse). CO₂ emissions are reduced by up to 20% and material costs by up to €5 per tonne of asphalt.
for resource-saving road construction
our mission
Sustainable innovation for a better future
Ecopals turns the waste industry into a source of building materials.
The ecoPals


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Application of EcoFlakes
How many kilometers of road can you build with one ton of EcoFlakes?
One ton of EcoFlakes is enough to resurface a two-lane road that is almost as long as a wind turbine is high - 71 meters! You need 14 tons for one kilometer of road. EcoFlakes make road resurfacing efficient and sustainable.
How do I use EcoFlakes?
The use of EcoFlakes is straightforward. They are either added directly at the mixing plant (batcher) or pre-modified with bitumen. We are happy to provide support in the preparation of asphalt recipes. Asphalt modified with EcoFlakes behaves in exactly the same way as conventional asphalt when laid.
Can EcoFlakes be used on German roads?
Yes, EcoFlakes meet all the requirements of the applicable technical regulations. Please contact us.
Can EcoFlakes be used in temperature-reduced asphalt?
Yes, our EcoFlakes products are also suitable for use in temperature-reduced asphalt. From August 2024, EcoFlakes Warm will make it possible to lower the temperature and modify the polymer with just one additive.
Can EcoFlakes be used with recycled asphalt?
Yes, asphalt modified with EcoFlakes can be removed with conventional milling machines and reused. Within the scope of previous projects, all tests in accordance with the RuVA resulted in a recycling class A for asphalt modified with EcoFlakes. EcoFlakes also slow down the ageing of the binder, as the polymer chains “trap” the lighter phases of the bitumen. This makes the binder less brittle and the reclaimed asphalt “younger”.
Production of EcoFlakes
Are EcoFlakes made from waste?
No, EcoFlakes are a precisely defined composition of plastics. These plastics are used in many applications, but often cannot be recycled because the sorting process is too complex and the end product is not economical. Because EcoFlakes are not just made of one polymer (plastic), but of a combination of different polymers, sorting becomes economical again. Compatibilizers are added to the EcoFlakes after sorting. These are chemical bridges that strengthen the permanent bond between bitumen and polymers and enable good long-term performance.
How often do you carry out quality controls?
As part of our production, all of the plastics we use are tested for contaminants, emission stability and composition before production so that we can rule out faulty production. To rule out fluctuations in quality, the EcoFlakes are randomly checked again, at least every 100 tons.
Ecology and sustainability
Why do EcoFlakes make asphalt more sustainable?
Ecoflakes extend the life of asphalt by preventing rutting and cracking. The less a road needs to be repaired, the less traffic jams and additional emissions are created. In addition, EcoFlakes can replace around 10% of the crude oil product bitumen and newly produced plastics. Incorporating plastics into asphalt to improve its performance is not a new idea in itself - it's just that they have been manufactured specifically for this purpose. In addition, Ecoflakes asphalt saves up to 30% CO2 emissions during production by using plastics that would otherwise not be recycled and would previously have been burned.
If I use plastics like EcoFlakes in roads, am I producing more microplastics?
Basically, the abrasion of the bitumen contained in asphalt is the second largest source of microplastic particles after the abrasion of the rubber from tires. According to the most comprehensive study on this topic to date, we can tend to reduce the abrasion with our type of modification due to the better asphalt performance, for example by creating greater resistance to rutting. We are therefore not solving this problem, but we are not making it worse either.
How do EcoFlakes affect emissions at the mixing plant and during installation?
There are no emissions from the EcoFlakes up to a temperature of 250°C.
Furthermore, EcoFlakes reduce bitumen emissions compared to conventional road construction bitumen and PmB, both during installation and in the mixing process. By binding the polymers to the light phases of the bitumen, the oxidation reactions are slowed down and fewer emissions are released.